Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yes, I Feel FINE!

For whatever reason, when people at the office see me these days, they are inclined to ask me, "How do you feel?" I find the question puzzling. Am I supposed to be feeling bad? Are they waiting for the day when I waddle into the office? Are they waiting for the day when I can't get out of my chair because of my growing belly? Or maybe I'm just reading into this too much and just wanted a topic to blog about. :P

What I do know is this: I FEEL FINE! I'm still exercising regularly, and while my energy levels have dropped a bit and am out of breath more often than not, I still feel like I have more energy than most - certainly more energy than the hubby has. I think he was a bear in a past life due to his love of sleep. :)


Fawn said...

Well, hey, pregnancy is different for everyone. One of my friends said to me yesterday that she thinks pregnancy is the hardest thing on a woman's body and it just takes SOO MUCH ENERGY. She's fitter than I am, so what I take from that comment is that she had a couple of very draining pregnancies, while I lucked out with Jade with barely a dip in my energy. This time 'round, Nugget did tire me out a lot in the first trimester.

This post makes it sound like you're taking the question as an invasion of privacy (maybe just how I'm reading it?) but it seems to me that your colleagues are simply showing interest and concern for you. Isn't it heartening to be treated as a human being with a life, rather than just a drone in the corporate machinery? :)

IndyComp0T1 said...

Hmmm...perhaps I didn't articulate it well enough in the post. I don't feel insulted really. Instead, I feel a bit annoyed by it. I also think it has been rather interesting to see the types of questions I've been getting as the pregnancy progresses.

Earlier into the pregnancy, I got the "Was it planned?" question. That one bugged the crap out of me because it was asked ALL the time, and because it's a bit of a personal question. PK was planned, but what if she wasn't? Would it make a difference?

Then I got the "When's the baby due?" That's a harmless question by itself, EXCEPT when you have the same people asking over and over again. I should just post a sign on my forehead. :P

There's definitely nothing wrong with people asking, "How are you feeling?" It's an innocent enough question. But do they actually care, or are they just asking? Also, I seem to get that question all the time, and the same people keep asking me. Do I look tired? SHOULD I look tired? Of course, maybe I'm just reading too much into this. :P