Monday, July 28, 2008

Stranger Dream

I think it has been a while since I've done any blogging on my weird pregnancy dreams, namely because there's been a bit of a dry spell. That is, until Saturday night. I had a FREAKING WEIRD dream that night, and I felt compelled to share.

The dream started out just fine. I was giving birth to PK. The birth itself was great. Thanks to my wonderful HypnoBirthing techniques, I was laboring at the hospital for about 1 hour. I don't know how realistic that is for a first child. Odds are, not very realistic, since I'll have to be at the hospital at least 4 hours in advance to receive antibiotics for that pesky GBS bug. At any rate, the labor was great, and it was all done in a flash.

The next thing I remember is realizing that after the birth, there was no skin-to-skin contact with PK, nor was their any attempt made for me to breast-feed PK. To top it all off, I realized that PK was in a small basket, like those gift baskets that they sell at Babies R Us, and that she was covered with a sheet. I started freaking out because I'd wondered if she'd suffocated overnight. I was distraught because it had been a long journey with PK, and I didn't want to risk anything happening to her. When I lifted PK from the basket, she felt more like a doll than a baby, and I kept checking to see if she was breathing. Finally, it sounded like she was. Whew! Sigh of relief!

After that scare, I thought I'd try breast-feeding. That didn't work out so well, because she'd twisted my left breast such that her mouth was on the breast itself, but the nipple was sticking out of her mouth. So I gently put my pinky in her mouth so she'd let go of the bad latch. For whatever reason, I didn't pursue the breast-feeding thing any further...or any type of feeding, for that matter.

Next, I thought I'd try changing PK's diaper. When I held her up, she looked like a miniature version of my pediatrician. Basically, she didn't look like a baby - just like a shrunken adult who happened to look like my pediatrician. That struck me as a teensy bit odd, but not that much. I began the process of removing her clothes so that I could change her. It seemed like I kept peeling layer after layer of clothing. Until I got to the end...a wedge piece of some creamy cheese. That's what was left of PK after I'd taken her clothes off to change her - CHEESE!!!

And that was the end of my dream. Freaking weird, if you ask me. I have NO IDEA what it all means. Any interpretations are welcome! :)


Meandering Michael said...

What kind of cheese was it?

IndyComp0T1 said...

I don't know. It just looked white and creamy, and it was shaped like a pie slice.

Meandering Michael said...

Brie, perhaps. Interesting...

Fawn said...

Perhaps she's meant to be named Brie, then. LOL

I read your posts backwards sometimes because the newest ones show up at the top of my feed reader, so this is now my second laugh-out-loud moment of the day from your blog!

I remember dreaming (before Jade's birth) about leaving my baby in a bassinet in a cottage away from the house and - oops! - forgetting all about her for a weekend. Strangely, I was only slightly disturbed and anyway she was fine when I went to check on her. I don't know if that shows how calm I am, or that deep down I'm a cruel mother. ;) LOL

IndyComp0T1 said...

If I name her Brie, then she'd have to go to school with Apple, Sunday, Kal-El and any other weirdly-named celebrity kids so that she wouldn't be picked on. :P Speaking of brie...I am so going to gorge myself on brie once PK pops out - unless it's not allowed during breast-feeding either...

Fawn said...

Not eating Brie during pregnancy is totally bogus. (I found out the hard way, too, AFTER Jade was born.) Almost all Brie sold in Canada, unless it says it comes from France, is made with pasteurized milk. The chance of it being contaminated with listeria are so miniscule, it's not worth the deprivation. (Unless you don't trust the deli where it's from, of course. In which case... what are you doing there?!)

Fawn said...

One of our neighbours' teenage girls is named Brianna. Brie for short. :)