Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 16

Well, this has been an interesting week so far. Here are the highlights:

Sick Again???

Unless I am mistaken (and I hope I am), it appears that I am coming down with my THIRD cold since New Year's. Just when I was finally starting to get over that post-viral cough too. I must've angered some god in a distant galaxy, because that's the only logical explanation I can come up with for getting sick so often. I am a friggin' germ magnet! WTF??? The thing that pisses me off is that I am being extra-careful about not picking up extra germs. I wash my hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. I avoid walkng in the same path as someone coughing or sneezing in front of me. I guess it doesn't matter to my body. I think my white blood cells have retaliated and decided to put up a "germs welcome" sign. It's the only explanation I can come up with. How can I enjoy being pregnant when there's always SOMETHING that makes this pregnancy extremely comfortable. I'VE HAD IT ALREADY. NO MORE!!!

Maybe I need to just build myself a sterile bubble and live there for the next 6 months or so.

Baby Gear

On a brighter note, I've started buying more baby paraphernalia. Yesterday I went on a baby shopping trip. I picked up 3 cute little stuffed animals - a big bear that we named Ollie, a mokey named Huggie Monkey, and a bunny named Flopsie. You need good names for stuffies, after all. :) I also picked up a few baby books - a couple of Dr. Seuss books (the little wee kiddie version), a couple of those soft felt books, and the timeless classic, Pat the Bunny. I had a copy as a kid, as did the hubby, and our 2-year-old niece. And finally, I got a couple more onesies at Baby Gap. I'm such a sucker for baby clothes. Too bad that babies grow so fast that they don't really fit into these types of clothes for long. For that reason, I think we'll probably end up buying more stuff from Old Navy. I don't particularly care for their adult clothes, but they do have some nice, inexpensive baby clothes.

We have also started looking at baby gear. I swear there is so much stuff to buy: crib, change table, dresser, bookshelf, car seat, stroller, diaper bag, bottles, books, toys, diapers, etc. The list is endless, and so are the options.

I think we're pretty much set on our stroller - the Bugaboo. My sister-in-law has one for her daughter, and it works great. We're just trying to decide now between the Frog and the Bee. I'm leaning towards the Bee myself. I like how it folds up very compactly, which is good since we drive a wee little 2001 Civic.

As for bedroom furniture, it's a tough choice. Do we go with the cheapie stuff from Sears or Toys R Us, or do we get some swanky-looking furniture from a store like Pottery Barn Kids? I saw a really nice crib on But it costs almost $1000. And is it really worth it to buy an expensive crib if the kid will outgrow it by age two or so? Decisions, decisions. Fortunately we still have a few months. :)


My memory is already pretty crappy, and it seems that now it's even crappier. I seem to find myself at a loss for words. They're always at the tip of my tongue, but I can never come up with the right word. I find that's especially true when I watch Jeopardy! these days. Not to mention the fact that if I don't act on a thought right away, I forget about it. For example, I was going to write about something else before writing this memory piece, but then I decided to fix some formatting on the earlier part of this entry, and by the time I came back to what I had started, I'd forgotten what it was that I was trying to do in the first place. So frustrating!


Work doesn't know yet about my pregnancy. I think I'll have to tell them soon, because I'm starting to show. It's not too obvious, but there's definitely a bump. Not to mention the fact that my boobs are significantly larger than they were before, so it might tip some people off - or at least they might think I got implants...haha.

I need to figure out just how I'm going to go about telling them. I'm actually really worried about how they'll react at work as far changing my current role. They obviously can't fire me for being pregnant. At the same time, I am leading a technical team, and I cringe at the thought of my manager trying to find a replacement.

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